10 More Crazy Star Trek Fan Theories

2. Star Trek Is All One Elaborate Holodeck Simulation

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Holodecks from Star Trek share a lot of similarities with the simulation technology from The Matrix films. It would be entirely possible to live out your whole life in a holodeck simulation without ever realising it (provided that safety protocols are turned off).

We've actually seen this to be true a few times before. Julian Bashir was snuck into a holographic simulation by Section 31 while he was sleeping in the Deep Space Nine episode Inquisition, and only noticed because his kidnappers messed up a few minor details. Also, in Star Trek: Insurrection, Admiral Dougherty secretly planned to transport the Ba'Ku people off their home planet without their knowledge by creating a holodeck recreation of their town aboard a ship with a massive holodeck.

Trek being a holodeck simulation would also explain why humanity always seems to prevail against all odds, and why Earth is such a non-violent utopia. The people inside the simulation may be harvested for their energy (like in The Matrix) or used for some other purpose, and, if the theory's true, it's impossible to say who is real and who is simply an NPC.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.