10 More Frustrating Star Trek Moments

4. Icheb's Death

Star Trek Into Darkness

A lot of old trekkies criticise new Trek for being too dark and depressing, specifically Discovery and Picard. Some take this too far and decide to write these shows off entirely, which is a bit of an overreaction, but there are times when even the biggest supporters of the new Trek era have to see where the haters are coming from.

Specifically, Icheb's death scene from Star Trek: Picard was one of the most brutal and abrupt deaths of a major character in Trek history. Icheb was the only one of the Borg children recovered by Voyager who came back to Earth with the rest of the crew. He was an extremely intelligent young man with a passion for helping others and a bright future ahead of him, then, after decades of wondering what happened to him after reaching the Alpha Quadrant, we were given a scene of him screaming in agony as someone ripped out his eyeball to harvest his Borg implants for sale. To make this even more awful, Seven of Nine discovered him and decided to end his suffering.

The scene was meant to show how Seven had changed into an emotionally broken vigilante, but Icheb's death just came as such a surprise. It was definitely a good way to give Seven more of an edge, but it would have been nice to have some buildup to the death scene. It feels like the writers just threw away his character for Seven's sake.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.