10 More Frustrating Star Trek Moments

3. Michael Burnham's Mutiny

Star Trek Into Darkness
CBS Media Ventures

Michael Burnham was given a pretty bad introduction in the first episode of Discovery, the Vulcan Hello. The episode ended with her assaulting Captain Georgiou with a Vulcan nerve pinch to fire preemptively on the Klingons against her wishes.

This act of mutiny is what initially gave Burnham such an awful reputation to the rest of Starfleet, as well as the fans. She argued that the Klingons would respect the Federation if the Shenzhou beat them to the first punch, but this idea went against everything that the Federation is supposed to stand for (and it probably would've just made the Klingons angrier).

Later, she nearly redeemed herself by travelling to the lead Klingon ship to capture T'Kuvma, but she ruined that by deciding to kill him in an act of revenge instead after he killed Captain Georgiou. This only served to anger the empire more, and was one of the main reasons the Klingon War was started.

Burnham's mutiny seemed so irrational and outside of Starfleet norms that it really gave Discovery a bad first impression to the fans who've been waiting for over a decade for a new Trek series.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.