10 More Infuriating TV Cliffhangers You Didn't Realise Had Answers

4. Trapped Under A Siege - Dark Angel

Prodigal Son

There were some huge names involved in the cult TV series Dark Angel back in the early 2000s, with James Cameron producing and even directing an episode, Jessica Alba portraying Max Guevera in what would be her break-out role, and a young Jensen Ackles long before Supernatural fame.

Following on from the likes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena, and others, people connected with Max as a strong female lead and were devastated when the dystopian future was cancelled after two seasons. As is often the case, this left the cliffhanger at the end of season two seemingly forever hanging.

In the build to the finale, a war was brewing between an ancient race of superhumans and the genetically engineered transgenics like Max; a war that threatened to destroy humankind, and a threat that forced Max and her race to hide in Terminal City, creating their own mini-society. The season, and the show, ended with Terminal City surrounded by police, ready for an invasion.

Though not quite the same as seeing the events play out on screen, there have been a number of novels published since that continue the story. Dark Angel: Skin Game picked up immediately after season two, with the City under heavy siege and a series of murders taking place. Dark Angel: After the Dark then explored the wider story of an ancient rivalry between the two warring species, with Max ultimately being the key to saving the human race.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.