10 More Non-Superhero Comic Series That Would Make Great TV Shows

10. Transmetropolitan

Transmetropolitan_wp1_by_coleblakGenre: Sci-Fi Political Drama What it is: Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson€™s Transmetropolitan follows the exploits of heavily tattooed outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem, and his two filthy assistants, as he exposes the corruption inherent in politics, sometimes in very clever if not wholly disgusting ways. It€™s Hunter S. Thompson in the future, basically. Why it would be great: The fans have been clamoring for this series for years, so it has a small yet built in fan base. Unless HBO or another pay channel tackled it, you€™d definitely have to tone down some of the language and situations, as this series is not for the faint of heart. That said, it is full of brilliant moments that would translate to the screen easily, be they comedic or heart wrenching. The world this series inhabits is a perfect sci-fi mish mash of cultures and times, with everything you€™d expect in your science fiction, from genetic engineering to lots of neon in different languages, not to mention the pervasive consumerism, sex, oppressive police, and drugs. A shiny, yet dystopian world Spider inhabits so that we don€™t have to. The main characters are full of charisma, our Gonzo journalist Spider himself being a wonderfully funny, if not a bit insane protagonist/antagonist at times. His two assistants do not suffer fools lightly, and totally have his back, yet have lives and motivations of their own. There€™s cult leader Fred Christ, Transient human/alien hybrids, €œRevivals€ who were formerly in cryogenic stasis now trying to find their place in the world, cloned Vice Presidents, and of course President Gary Callahan, AKA The Smiler, constantly going after Spider. Plus, we need more two-headed cigarette smoking cats on television. Don€™t we?
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A writer in spirit, a baker by profession. Carl has been a comic shop impresario, comic book illustrator, record store clerk, electronic musician, late night radio DJ, club promoter, graphic designer, and other cool things you wish you could be. He mistakenly had purple dreadlocks once. For three years. Which made him way less cool. He doesn't actually know what the word impresario means, and is way too lazy to Google it. Carl is also an American, and for that he apologizes.