10 MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Movies

3. Paddington

Doctor Who TARDIS Ready Player One
Miramax Films

The second bear-themed entry on this list, although this one has a much less foul mouth. 

The only people in the world who don't like the Paddington movies are people that haven't seen them, or that suffer from a chronic joy deficiency. Just ask Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal, they bloody love the Paddington movies!

The original and its first sequel feature a who's who of British acting talent, including our very own Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Capaldi plays Mr. Curry, Paddington's meddling neighbour who despises the fluffball with all his heart.

In the first film, Mr. Curry conspires with taxidermist Millicent Clyde to kidnap Paddington and have him stuffed. Once he goes through a change of heart, he warns the Brown family that Paddington is in danger, which leads to this intriguing scene. 

Mr. Curry contacts the Browns from inside a telephone box, and he just so happens to be wearing a long knitted scarf around his neck. The Doctor? In a phone box? With a long scarf? Surely this is too obvious!

Intentional or otherwise, this is a fun detail for Whovians to pick up on. Paddington started shooting shortly after Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor casting was announced to the world, so it would've been very fresh in the filmmakers' minds!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.