10 Most Annoying TV Plot Holes Ever

4. Marshall's Close Family No-Show His Wedding - How I Met Your Mother

Heroes Claire

Fairly early into CBS' tale of Ted Mosby explaining to his kids precisely how he met their mother, the show makes a point of showing just how close Marshall is to the rest of the Eriksen clan in Minnesota. Growing up, Marshall would playfully scrap with his brothers - under no-holds-barred rules - and would call his dad daily no matter how many years went by.

So, when it came time for Lily and Marshall to tie the knot at the end of Season Two, you'd be forgiven for assuming his tight-knit family would want to be in attendance for such an important moment in his life. In the end, though, not a single Eriksen could be spotted on the day Marshall gave himself an unfortunate trim... and got married to the love of his wife, no less.

The majority of Lily's family no-showed too, it must be said. Yet, those absences went under the radar when put up against Marshall's joined-at-the-hip brothers and parents deciding to give the special occasion a miss.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...