10 Most Annoying TV Plot Holes Ever

5. Danielle Rousseau Doesn't Remember The Man Who Stole Her Baby - Lost

Heroes Claire

By the time J.J. Abrams' Lost finally rode off into the sunset in 2010, the show had become as known for its barmy twists as it was for choosing to completely ignore vital plot points. One of the most notable instances of this happening came in the form of one Danielle Rousseau - the "crazy French woman" - forgetting something that acts as her entire motivation.

After trying to steal Claire’s baby and capturing Sayid, it’s later revealed that Rousseau’s daughter was actually kidnapped by Ben Linus and The Others. We find this out when the gang go back in time, adding another plot hole as Future Rousseau would clearly recognise people from her own past in those earlier seasons, but when she comes face-to-face with Linus again in the present, Danielle doesn’t recognise him as the man who stole her baby all those years ago.

You could point to the fact that Rousseau is routinely referenced as having gone a little “crazy” during her years on the island as a reason for this failure to acknowledge her child’s captor there and then. But it was more likely just a consequence of Michael Emerson being too good to write off after his early impressive displays on the show as Gale/Linus.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...