10 Most Anticipated New TV Shows Coming In 2023

4. Poker Face

The Mandalorian Ahsoka Tano

We could make the exact same joke we just made, but with Lady Gaga in place of Usher. But we won't, because we're better than that.

Not much better, but still.

Depending on where you stand, Rian Johnson either made one of the best Star Wars films or one of the worst. Much more well-received are his two Knives Out movies, the most recent of which looks set to dominate Christmas 2022 on Netflix.

That's why the hype surrounding his new show is so large.

Knives Out seems to serve as the main inspiration for Poker Face, which Johnson has described as a "character driven, case-of-the-week mystery". Hopefully it will turn out more like Buffy than Scooby-Doo.

You'd expect it to with the absolutely stellar cast already announced for Poker Face. Natasha Lyonne, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Benjamin Bratt, Jameela Jamil, Nick Nolte, Ron Pearlman, and Adrien Brody are just some of the names on board.

Set to premiere on Peacock at some point in 2023, it doesn't look like Poker Face is going to reshape the modern TV landscape, but it should be a lot of fun.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.