10 Most Chilling Doctor Who Moments

1. Throw Him Out (Midnight)

Doctor Who Night Terrors Peg Doll
BBC Studios

Midnight is one of the scariest Doctor Who episodes of all time, because it shows how confined spaces and paranoia can turn us into monsters.

The most chilling moment in the episode is when the coach passengers make the drastic decision to throw the Tenth Doctor out of the airlock, which would kill him instantly. The Midnight entity hasn't made them act in this way, and there aren't mind control powers here. Instead, the mysterious creature has built an atmosphere of suspicion and fear that turns these frightened holidaymakers against the only person who stands a chance of saving them.

It's genuinely disturbing to see how quickly people can be turned into monsters when their backs are against the wall.

Truly chilling Doctor Who scenes stay with you long after the credits have rolled, and the helpless, terrified Doctor being dragged up the aisle towards the airlock is one of those moments. It's a scene that makes you reflect on how you would react in similar circumstances. Would fear take over, or would you stay rational like the Hostess, who ultimately sacrifices herself to save the Doctor?

We all like to think we'd be the good guy, but if the chips were down? Some of us surely wouldn't.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.