10 Most Confusing Scenes In Doctor Who History

6. Orson Pink's Family Links

Doctor Who Empire of Death Ruby's mother pointing

The Orson Pink character in Listen doesn't become confusing until Danny Pink gets run over by a car in Dark Water. Spoiler alert.

Orson looks exactly like Danny so the implicit suggestion is that, on the night of her first date with Danny, Clara meets a potential future descendant. So when Danny dies, what does that mean for Orson?

Doctor Who is fond of telling us that time is always in flux, so it was surely possible that Orson was from a future where Clara and Danny lived happily ever after. However, with Danny dead, Orson would never be born.

And yet, that's not what Steven Moffat said when asked about Orson Pink in Doctor Who Magazine. Moffat said that Orson was a "lateral" descendant of Danny, but how could that be possible when we meet the orphaned Danny in a children's home?

During the 2020 lockdown tweetalong of Listen, Moffat also said that:

"There is no paradox. Danny’s father had an estranged brother who also had a family."

Even if that were true, where did Orson get the toy soldier? And how does he know about all that time travel in his family history? Steven, what does it all mean!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.