10 Most Confusing Scenes In Doctor Who History

4. Something, Something, Sea Devils

Doctor Who Empire of Death Ruby's mother pointing

The climax of Legend of the Sea Devils is a confusing mess. The Chief Sea Devil plans to use the keystone to flip the Earth's poles and create climate chaos that will flood the planet. Which, fine, very Doctor Who, but how many functions does this thing have?

The keystone has already encased the Chief Sea Devil in stone, and can also flip the Earth on its axis? That's one hell of a multi-tool. Doctor Who isn't short of gadgets with infinite functionality (cough sonic screwdriver cough), but there doesn't appear to be any logic to the keystone's functions.

To reverse the effects of the keystone, the Doctor needs to short-circuit the Sea Devils' tech and turn the magnetic field in on itself. And to do that, the Doctor has to, erm... hold a cable in place like it's a dodgy HDMI lead.

Throw in some truly horrendous editing and questionable direction, and the last 20 minutes of Legend of the Sea Devils is more or less incomprehensible.

But look, a shiny Next Time trailer! Ace! Tegan! Thirteen glowing with regeneration energy! All is forgiven!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.