10 Most Devastating Game Of Thrones Future Deaths

9. Brienne (And Pod Probably)

The oath-driven knight and her squire have unfortunately - and unglamorously - spent the majority of Season 5 kicking their heels frustratingly, and while they will probably have more to do before the finale ends (because there can't just be a battle in the immediate vicinity without them wondering on the safety of Sansa), they're probably safe from death for now. But thanks to their entire lack of political weight, the pair are expendable. They're also the kind of charming, honourable characters that Martin likes to make pin cushions out of, and both cases would be met with uproarious outrage. How They'll Die In the line of duty, you have to suspect. With Lady Stoneheart seemingly unlikely to crash the party, Brienne and Pod are most likely to join up with Reek and Sansato help ferry them away from Winterfell. Apparently the Iron Born are set to play an expanded role next season so it's fairly likely that Theon will return to his ancestral home seeking sanctuary along with Sansa: whether the would-be knight protectors make it that far remains to be seen. Unfortunately for anyone who comes near Sansa, Littlefinger needs her at Winterfell - or at least close to him - to enact his plan to become Warden Of The North (perhaps with her as his next wife) - and though he's not exactly a military man, he has his methods of murder. He's already clashed with Brienne once, so he knows what she represents, and that spells bad news in the long-term for her.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.