10 Most Disturbing Twin Peaks Moments
1. Laura Palmer’s Screaming Doppelgänger
No Twin Peaks discussion would be complete without The Red Room, the place ‘in between worlds’ and the setting of some of the series most culturally iconic imagery; the red curtains, the chevron floor design, The Arm, The Fireman, Mike, BOB and Laura Palmer herself, all set to the beat of Angelo Badalamenti.
In the climactic episode of the second series, Lynch returned to take back control of his work and show the audience the result of revealing the killer too soon - BOB has won and was free to kill again. Fiction had become metafiction - the audience had literally affected the actions of the characters and Twin Peaks would, in 25 years time, be unrecognisable.
The final visit to The Red/Waiting Room gives us definitive Lynch and pure, unfiltered Twin Peaks as Cooper frantically searches behind a maze of red curtains for Annie. As The Arm explains the existence of doppelgängers, Cooper is faced with Laura’s double, pursuing him, white eyed and open mouthed, screaming as only Sheryl Lee knows how. With the release of The Return in 2017, it’s only now we can step back and appreciate the stunning achievement of David Lynch and co-writer Mark Frost. Twin Peaks will be remembered as not only one of the most unique pieces of surrealist television but also for what it truly is – a dream captured on film.
Or perhaps a nightmare, either way, it’s still just as disturbing.