10 Most Divisive Star Trek Moments

8. The Death Of Jadzia Dax

Star Trek Generations Kirk

Everything about this could have been avoided, leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of fans as Star Trek Deep Space Nine went into its seventh and final season.

Terry Farrell tried and failed to negotiate appearing in less episodes in the last season, asking to be reduced to recurring status rather than starring, as the workload was immense. However, she was presented with an all or nothing deal, meaning that for her to leave, the character had to die.

Jadzia is killed in the final episode of the sixth season and is to date the only Star Trek main character who has died and then not returned in some form or another. Although Ezri Dax was a very likable character, the death of this fan favourite was polarizing. The details of the behind the scenes situation didn't get fully revealed until years after they had taken place, so for fans this was a sudden and sad shock, one that did not sit right with many people.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick