10 Most Emotional Community Moments

8. Pierce’s CD

Community Ending

Pierce isn’t the first person you might associate with emotional moments, but he actually dominates this list. Along with Abed (again, not particularly an emotional character), he features four times throughout.

Though this moment revolves around him, it’s Jeff and Troy who help him along too. Pierce is convinced he has his mother’s vapour in a jar following her death, and Jeff, irritated by his ridiculous religion, takes him and Troy to see her body at the morgue.

On the way, they play a mixtape Pierce’s mother left for him, which ends with a statement recorded before her death. She denounces their weird faith and tells Pierce to stop wasting his time and and money. That she’s dead, truly dead, and he’d be better off moving on.

Troy and Jeff are struck by how somber the message is, but Pierce laughs off the old lady ‘losing her marbles’. There’s an easy victory in front of Jeff; just keep driving to the morgue.

However, he’s so moved by Pierce’s faith that he figures ‘what’s the harm?’ and instead takes the three of them out for ice cream. It’s a nice moment which shows you Jeff’s respect for Pierce - something we rarely see.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)