10 Most Evil Game Of Thrones Characters

1. Ramsay Bolton

Danaerys Targaryen Game Of Thrones

It seems almost impossible for a character to sink lower than Joffrey, but there is no doubt that Ramsay Bolton was the most twisted man in Westeros.

Ramsay relished in his acts of depravity. He treated Theon as little more than a toy through which to channel his cruelty, firstly by continually torturing him (including castration), and secondly by turning him into his slave.

Whilst at Winterfell he sexually abused Sansa, murdered his own father, and fed his step mother and her infant child to his hounds so that he would become the new Warden of the North. Indeed, feeding and hunting down his victims with his hounds was pure sport for Ramsay.

Beneath his vile exterior he was also intelligent. By firing an arrow through the heart of Rickon Stark immediatley before the Battle of the Bastards, Ramsay provoked Jon exactly as he intended. Had it not been for Sansa and the Knights of the Vale, Ramsay’s scheme would have resulted in victory.

Thankfully, justice was ultimately served. The sound of Ramsay’s screaming as he was ripped apart by his own hounds was the most satisfying moment in the show’s history.

Game Of Thrones Quiz: How Well Do You Know Sansa Stark?

Game of Thrones Sansa Queen in the North

1. What Is Sansa’s Favourite Food?


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.