10 Most Evil Game Of Thrones Characters

5. Cersei Lannister

Danaerys Targaryen Game Of Thrones

Cersei Lannister’s one redeeming quality – her love for her children – was also the source of her relentless cruelty. Indeed, her incestuous relationship with Jamie unveiled in the very first episode turned out to be relatively mild compared to her other acts.

The first sign of her wickedness occurred on the journey from Winterfell to King’s Landing, where she proposed the killing of Sansa’s direwolf, despite the fact that she was totally innocent. Soon after, Cersei continued her sadistic ways by (with the help of Lancel Lannister) causing the death of her husband, which in turn enabled Joffrey to sit upon the Iron Throne.

As the show progressed, Cersei became still more ruthless. Some of her more sinister acts included blaming Tyrion for Joffrey's death (which indirectly led to the death of Oberyn Martell), wiping out her enemies by blowing up the Great Sept, poisoning Tyene Sand in front of her own mother, and murdering Missandei at the gates of King’s Landing.

Put simply, Cersei looked down upon everyone outside of her immediate family, and had no hesitation in stepping on those who strayed across her path.


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