10 Most Evil Game Of Thrones Characters

4. Gregor Clegane

Danaerys Targaryen Game Of Thrones

The Mountain developed a lust for violence during his childhood, having famously burnt the side of his brother’s face simply because he had played with one of his toys without permission.

As a grown man he was feared throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and had a reputation for torturing his victims, raping women, and even murdering children, earning him the nickname, ‘Tywin Lannister’s Mad Dog’.

During Robert’s Rebellion, the Mountain murdered Prince Rhaegar’s children, including baby Aegon, as well as his wife, Elia Martell, who was both raped and tortured before she was killed.

He was also responsible for the most gruesome scene in the show’s history – the death of Oberyn Martell. Though many fans were disappointed to see the end of the Red Viper, Gregor’s survival (courtesy of Qyburn) enabled the much-anticipated showdown between the Hound and the Mountain to take place.

Despite the final season receiving a mixed response, the fight between the two brothers amongst the ruins of King’s Landing was a universal highlight.


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