10 Most Evil South Park Villains

8. Mickey Mouse

Woodland Critters
Comedy Central

While we’re on the subject of dictatorial authority you needn’t look any further through the annals of South Park villains than their extremely cathartic, if not dissident interpretation of Disney’s renowned mascot; Mickey Mouse.

Initially appearing in the episode “The Ring” and brutally enslaving, when not beating down, the Jonas Brothers (remember them?). Mickey seemed like he may have been a disposable antagonist who appears for one episode, plays his role in the plot, and is resigned to the history books along with Saddam. Until Trey and Matt made the infamous 200 & 201 episodes in which he cropped up, shortly before they brought him into mainstay territory.

In the episode “Obama Wins!”, Mickey plays his recurring antagonistic role once again but this time in a politically charged plot, juxtaposing his very finance-focused tyranny from his first appearance. That doesn’t mean that his focus on money subsided though, certainly not. In the seminal episode “Band in China” he’s more prominent than he’s ever been in the series and ironically, his sadistic, forceful attitude mirrors the corporation he represents in real life and what they’re currently doing behind the scenes (look up the filming of Mulan 2020).

We can’t tell you what he did in the pandemic special, however. It gets a little too lude and crude for the younger girls and dudes.

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South Park
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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com