10 Most Evil Versions Of Spider-Man

5. Spider-Nor-Man - Spider-Geddon

Spider-Man Doppelganger
Marvel Comics

While the numerous different Earths and realities have seen plentiful Peter Parkers and various other characters take on the role of their respective world's Spider-Man, the kicker of Earth-44145, is that the Spider-Man of this realm is none other than Norman Osborn.

Regardless of what world he's from, Norman Osborn is always going to 'Norman Osborn'. If there's one guarantee in comics, it's that Norman always has a self-serving scheme up his sleeve. And of course, that was clearly the case in the huge Spider-Geddon event.

There, the Spiders of multiple realities were all brought together to stop the villainous Inheritors and their plan to dominate the multiverse. While the likes of Miles Morales, Ben Reilly, Spider-Punk and Otto Octavius' Superior Spider-Man all put their heads together to try and tackle this almighty threat, Spider-Nor-Man instead intended to 'fence off' the Inheritors on Earth-616.

Osborn's plan is that Earth-616 - as in, our Earth - is an "acceptable loss" in the grand scheme of things. To show a further glimpse at Spider-Nor-Man's sinister side, the short time we spend with him in his own world, he's mutated himself into an eight-limbed being, has murdered Peter Parker, and has been partaking in schemes so crazed that his own son Harry sacrificed his own life in an attempt to stop Osborn.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.