10 Most Evil Versions Of Spider-Man

4. Doppelganger - Infinity War

Spider-Man Doppelganger
Marvel Comics

Debuting during 1992's Infinity War, Doppelganger is a version of Spider-Man who is a mindless, ferocious, eight-limbed savage with heinous intentions.

Created by Adam Warlock during one of Him's villainous turns, the Doppelganger is a demonic double of Spider-Man. This was all part of a plan from Warlock - under his Magus moniker - to unleash sinister, evolved versions of certain heroes onto the very heroes from whom they were copied.

Infinity War was only the tip of the iceberg for Doppelganger, though, and he'd eventually be the only 'double' to make it out of that arc in one piece. After being saved by Demongoblin, ol' Doppy resurfaced in 1993 as part of Maximum Carnage. There, this twisted take on Spider-Man became the obedient, murderous 'pet' of Carnage and Shriek. In particular, Doppelganger came to view Shriek as a mother figure, and he has since spent his days tethered to this deranged maternal presence.

Ever resilient, Doppelganger technically died during both Infinity War and Maximum Carnage, but that didn't stop the character from once again returning to the fold in 2010 to help Shriek and Carnage cause death and destruction in New York and later Colorado.

Making Doppelganger particularly intimidating, this creature has abilities that not even Spider-Man has - such as being able to cling to buildings without the need for webbing, having webbing that's as sharp as glass, and being nearly six times as strong as Peter Parker.

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