10 Most Hateable Doctor Who Characters

8. Jack Robertson

Doctor Who Dot and Bubble Lindy Pepper-Bean

Even if you disregard the real-world political figure who clearly inspired him, Jack Robertson is absolutely awful.

He's a capitalist monster who will stop at nothing to earn a profit, and when those business plans result in giant spiders menacing Sheffield or a full-on Dalek invasion, he shrugs it off and carries on.

Chris Chibnall rarely gets enough credit for his Doctor Who era, but the character of Robertson was a truly hateable villain that reflects our real-world bad guys – privileged narcissists who tread on everyone so long as they get to the top of their particular field.

Catastrophes that affect ordinary people are nothing to characters like Robertson, even when their lives are in danger. Much like Fenton, Robertson doesn't learn a single thing from his near-death experiences in both Arachnids in the UK and Revolution of the Daleks.

While Chris Noth never returned for Flux, there would've been something appropriate about Doctor Who's COVID series depicting a corrupt millionaire profiting from the end of the universe.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.