10 Most Hateable Doctor Who Characters

6. The Marshal Of Solos

Doctor Who Dot and Bubble Lindy Pepper-Bean
BBC Studios

Jon Pertwee's Doctor Who era was full of bumbling government types getting in the Doctor's way. However, the worst of these figures didn't originate from back home – he was found on the planet Solos.

Played by Paul Whitsun-Jones, the Marshal of Solos is a despicable coloniser who hunts the local mutant population and was intent on running the planet as his own private kingdom.

The Marshal was such an awful coward that he wouldn't even take matters into his own hands when it came to protecting his position on Solos, and he even plotted to commit genocide against the Solonians by making Solos' atmosphere habitable for humans.

The Doctor and Jo foiled the Marshal's plans, and the cruel dictator was eventually killed by the evolved Solonian, Ky. While The Mutants may not be everyone's favourite Third Doctor story, there is something satisfying in seeing Ky – in full glam rock gear – vaporize the Marshal as punishment for being a massive arse.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.