10 Most Hated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

8. Adam

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Dawn Summers
Mutant Enemy

Season 4 is a mixed bag. Whilst there are some brilliant episodes (like ‘Hush’ and the terrific two-partner ‘This Year’s Girl’ and ‘Who Are You?’), other aspects of the season don’t work so well.

The Big Bad, for instance, is a common point of criticism. There’s just no getting away from the fact that Adam isn’t a very interesting villain. Sure, he looks creepy, but he's essentially a big scary monster with no substance.

His ultimate aim is to create an army of biomechanical demonoids like himself. This, of course, is a rather dull incentive. And compared with some of the other Big Bads, he's simply forgettable. Villains like Glory, Mayor Wilkins, Angelus, and the First Evil are much more entertaining foes for Buffy and the gang to face.

Whilst the Initiative was an interesting concept, the execution of this overarching storyline was disappointing.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.