10 Most Hated Classic Doctor Who Episodes

1. The Twin Dilemma

Doctor Who Timelash Peri
BBC Studios

The Caves of Androzani was a tough act to follow, but has there ever been such a notable shift in quality from one Doctor Who episode to the next? Perhaps, but fandom has been gunning for The Twin Dilemma for decades as the very worst example of the show's inconsistent quality.

It was The Twin Dilemma's notoriety as the most hated Doctor Who story that is likely at the root of Colin Baker's well-documented hatred of polls. But in his defence, he makes some bold acting choices in his portrayal of the Doctor in this story. He's as far away from the laid-back Fifth Doctor as it's possible to get.

While some fans felt this was a breath of fresh air for the character, it's the other stuff that lets The Twin Dilemma down. Things like an evil slug, and a pair of punchable twins.

If ever there's a reason for Doctor Who fans to hate a story, it's because it gives the show's critics an open goal when taking the mick out of their beloved show. The Twin Dilemma sits dead-last in both the 2014 and 2020 polls, and you can see why.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.