10 Most Hated Star Trek Voyager Episodes

6. Twisted Season 2, Episode 6

Demon Voyager

Voyager enters a distortion ring which physically alters the layout of the ship turning it into a twisted maze the crew must navigate, and each time they try to return to their posts, they end up walking in circles ending up back in the holodeck.

It’s initially interesting, but as we keep watching different officers attempting to get through the labyrinth, it soon becomes more boring than being assigned to the transporter room. Seeing the cast walk through corridor after corridor is highly repetitive and the character moments interspersed throughout, like Belanna and Paris spotting a random crewmember in a towel, and Captain Janeway suddenly praising Ensign Kim while they are in a ventilator shaft of all places, fail to add any spice to the proceedings.

In an effort to generate tension, some poorly conceived conflict between Tuvok and Chakotay concerning the right course of action is tacked on, with both annoyingly yelling at each other in a forced manner. It feels unnatural as there is no reason for them to be agitated since they are just voicing their differing opinions which had always been done with respect in previous episodes.

As for the actual solution to the puzzle, it turns out Tuvok's suggestion to just do nothing and the anomaly will eventually pass returning everything to normal is correct, which is funny as this course of action would have led to certain death had they done it during any other crisis. The distortion ring does deposit a mysterious mass of data in Voyager’s database that seems to excite the crew, but it's something we will never hear about again so it might as well not exist. All in all, Twisted is a pointless episode that like the characters, travels nowhere from beginning to end.

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Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.