10 Most Hated Star Trek Voyager Episodes

2. Demon Season 4, Episode 24

Demon Voyager

When Voyager becomes low on deuterium, a crucial energy source required to keep the ship running, Kim and Paris beam down to a hellish planet in an attempt to retrieve some. Things go awry, and they fall into some silver liquid before being rescued, but it turns out the crew took back duplicates who have no idea they are copies.

Sinfully, the idea of clones coming to terms with the fact that they are not the original is barely explored since this is only revealed towards the end. For most of the episode, there are barely any hints that we are watching a fake Tom and Paris, or that something is amiss so there is no build up to the twist and no chance to develop any paranoia. What's worse, because the truth is only disclosed near the climax, the ensuing conflicts and character dilemmas are all rushed, with the focus more on action and attempts to retrieve the actual crew members giving us no chance to emotionally sympathize with the replicas.

There is also a horrendous subplot with Neelix temporarily staying in sickbay and getting into some childish arguments with The Doctor who now can't stay up late because Neelix sleeps early, so they yell at each like bickering college freshmen other in an attempt to annoy each other. It's a pointless stab at comedy that generates nothing but painful groans, and along with the aimless main plotline, makes Demon something no life form should mimic.

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Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.