10 Most Hated Star Trek Voyager Episodes

3. Spirit Folk Season 6, Episode 17

Demon Voyager

When a holodeck malfunction makes the fair haven citizens more aware of their environment, they begin to realize they may be inside a computer simulation.

The first act is spent watching these denizens react to clues which quickly becomes boring since we already know the truth, so it just becomes a matter of waiting for them to catch up with the mystery which they repeatedly discuss in redundant dialogue.

Annoyingly, they are able to break established rules, like blasting the console with a shotgun which shouldn’t be possible with the computer safety on. Worst of all, none of these characters are interesting as all of them are the cliche archetypes you could expect to find in any small town like the rough barkeeper Michael and town gossiper Seamus, all brought to life with less than stellar guest performances.

The crew eventually detects the error in the program which should have resolved the problem, but they make a parade of idiotic decisions like leaving the simulation running even when not in use, and sending Tom and Harry inside to investigate, instead of shutting it down, resulting in their getting captured and taken hostage in the holodeck. Bafflingly, Captain Janeway still refuses to reset the program stating that though the Fair Haven citizens aren't real, the crew's attachment to them is effectively prioritizing a holodeck simulation over the lives of two human officers. This makes it impossible to care about the climax as we have no connection to the holoprogram, and are at this point exasperated because it is their own fault they are in this mess.

With a plot containing a bevy of brainless choices and uninteresting guest stars, Spirit Folk should have just been deleted immediately.

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Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.