10 Most Heartbreaking Futurama Moments

1. Seymour

Old Fry And Leela Futurama

Look, you knew it was coming, I knew it was coming, everyone and their dog knew it was coming. This episode piles on heartbreak after heartbreak as we see a raw examination Fry's most meaningful relationship of the 20th Century; Seymour the dog.

Fry spends the whole episode first trying to get Seymour back from the archeologists who found him, then trying to reverse his fossilisation. Fry's current best friend Bender is annoyed by this, throwing Seymour into the lava beneath Planet Express, but quickly retrieves him when he sees how much it means to Fry. However, in the end Fry elects not to revive Seymour, after he learns the dog lived a long life after he'd gone. "I'll never forget him," he says, "But he forgot me a long time ago."

A Sopranos style cut to black then and there and Futurama would have given us a bittersweet ending and we could've gotten on with our lives. But no. They had to twist the knife a little bit more. As the episode ends, we see a lonely Seymour waiting the rest of his life outside of Panucci's for Fry to return, before eventually closing his old eyes for a long sleep.

What do you think is the most heartbreaking Futurama moment? Let us know down in the comments.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)