10 Most Heartbreaking Futurama Moments

5. Fry’s Mother’s Dream

Old Fry And Leela Futurama

Completely changing Fry's relationship with his parents on a rewatch, this is a moment that comes out of nowhere and that's why it has such power over the audience. A little like when his dad tells a young, ice fishing Fry 'I don't want you getting frozen' in Cold Warriors, this moment does so much more with the concept and therefore has to take its place in the top ten.

Taking us back to December 31st, 1999, Fry relives his last day in the past. Using the professor's Inception-esque dream machine, Fry needs to help Nibbler (who famously pushed Fry into the freezer tube) discover the origin of some strange music that may be the signal of an alien attack. In true Futurama style, it's just the car unlocked alert from a lost Nibblonian spaceship.

It veers close to heartbreaking when Fry wants to go back to his parents' house, only to find a blank white room; he couldn't relive memories that he didn't have. But the closing scene pushes it over the edge as Nibbler lets him relive the dream again. Only this time, it's not his dream he enters, it's his mother's. He finally gets to say goodbye.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)