10 Most Heartbreaking Moments In The DC Animated Universe

2. Justice Guild No More - Justice League

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Warner Bros.

Originally, the Justice Guild in the episode "Legends" was meant to be the Justice Society of America. However, according to Dan Riba in a conversation with Watchtower Database, DC refused permission for the group to be used when they learned they would die in the ending, hence the creation of the Justice Guild of America.

Legends sees Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter get transported to another Earth, or so they would think. It's a Silver Age reality complete with Silver Age analogues, with Black Siren stepping in for the original Black Canary, Cat Man filling in for Wildcat/Batman, The Streak for Jay Garrick's Flash, etc.

John Stewart senses that something is amiss however, realising that these heroes starred in comic books he read during his childhood. The eventual twist ending reveals that they are indeed on an alternate Earth, but that the town they're in is a fantasy concocted by JGA sidekick Ray Thompson, who's actually a mutant with mind powers.

Ray manages to overcome the League, but the Guild decide that their existence is worth sacrificing if it means they can save their new allies. Together, they defeat Ray, but that sadly leads to their own demise, as one by one, they all fade from existence.

We soon learn that the Guild did exist in this reality, but were killed in a massive nuclear explosion - hence why the comic in John's world was cancelled. The final moments of "Legends" see John mourning his childhood heroes, with the episode as a whole providing a heartwarming, if tragic commentary on how inspiring comics can be.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.