10 Most Horrifying Serial Killers On TV

7. Bob (Twin Peaks)

This guy brings some serious legitimacy to the table. Brought to us from the Twin Peaks universe, Killer BOB is a spirit of sorts that literally feeds/lives off of the pain and suffering of those around him. That's pretty hardcore. Killer BOB uses human bodies and the occasional owl as a host to carry out his dastardly deeds. He hits all of the major tasks on the "evil doer" to-do list. He rapes, murders and forces his hosts to commit suicide. That's pretty terrifying. A flesh and blood serial killer can potentially, theoretically be stopped at some point because they are mortal. But, Killer BOB? Well he's a horse of a different color. With his wild eyes and gruff appearance, Frank Silva finally brought an image of Killer BOB to everyone's nightmares. And as it would seem, his role was somewhat meant to be. Silva was working as a set dresser on Twin Peaks when his reflection was accidentally caught on camera in a mirror during a scene. Killer BOB was born because of that face! Talk about embodying the character. Silva created it's image accidentally and only got better from there.
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Twin Peaks
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A science nerd (although I prefer the term "enthusiast") to the core. I love bones, blood and books. Bring me an IV filled with coffee and I'll bake you a delicious coconut cake. You can follow me on twitter @AlainaJudgesYou