10 Most Horrifying Serial Killers On TV

6. Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)

Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal is on point in all categories. He is equal parts horrifying and charming, which is precisely how he manages to evade suspicion for as long as he does. The good doctor is uncomfortably immaculate and astoundingly sophisticated, making him a powerhouse when it comes to blending in and gaining trust, two things that every good serial killer needs to perform their job with ease. The scariest pieces of Hannibal's psychological tapestry are exactly what makes him completely effective at what he does. He can easily cover his tracts, he has the ability to frame anyone for his crimes with a few pieces of hair and bone fragments and just to add a cherry on top of this evil sundae, he also happens to be a brilliant psychiatrist. Not many actors could successfully step into such a beloved role, but Mads Mikkelsen manages to slide perfectly into the world of Dr. Lecter. Mikkelsen wisely maintains the feel of Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal while also subtly making it his own character. Some of the greatest moments from Mikkelsen come when he allows Hannibal to lose control. Almost ninety nine percent of his performance is perfectly controlled and clinical (as it should be), but some real magic happens when he ruffles up his hair, unbuttons his three piece suit and unleashes an animal. Free advice: If you walk into your new doctor's office and there is a statue of a giant, black stag...walk right back out.
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Twin Peaks
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A science nerd (although I prefer the term "enthusiast") to the core. I love bones, blood and books. Bring me an IV filled with coffee and I'll bake you a delicious coconut cake. You can follow me on twitter @AlainaJudgesYou