10 Most Horrifying Technologies In Star Trek
These 10 Star Trek technologies might be "boldly going" a bit too far...
Star Trek is filled with incredible technology; some of which has inspired real-life innovation, with products like video calling, touchscreen tablets, and 3D printers looking like the precursors to viewscreens, PADD'S, and replicators.
However, Star Trek is also filled with a lot of truly horrifying nightmare fuel.
Whether we're talking about Starfleet's complete invasion of privacy, glitchy technology, or horrible design choices, the universe has no shortage of things that can go wrong! Often times, Star Trek will briefly dive into the darker sides of these technologies (such as the nearly endless "holodeck gone-wrong" episodes) but it's always either forgotten about or ignored by most people.
Every technology has its pros and cons but for some, you have to wonder if they're really worth the potential harm they could bring. Let's take a look at the ten most horrifying Star Trek technologies and what could happen if they fell into the wrong hands!
10. Ship's Sensors (And Tricorders)
This technology is so low on this list because it doesn't necessarily need to be used for evil, and Starfleet (generally) only uses it for self-defense or to help people, however, why does no one seem to find it weird that the bridge crew can just always ask the computer where anyone is at any given time?
It's been shown that the ship's sensors are capable of pinpointing a single person's exact location even among billions of others on an entire planet. This already seems like a massive invasion of privacy, even before you remember that the sensors don't just say who you are, they can show your species, sex, everything that you're carrying, and every particle of matter that makes up your body!
Oh, and they also keep a sensor log of every molecule in the ship at all times.
Think of Big Brother but instead of watching you through a webcam, they can find you anywhere on the planet and have the ability to transport you directly into a prison cell. Totally not something that could be exploited...