10 Most Horrifying Technologies In Star Trek

8. Artificial Gravity

STAR TREK Transporter

Artificial gravity in Star Trek is created by special "gravity plating" placed throughout the ship. Yet another technology that seems great in theory but starts to fall apart when one considers how often Starfleet's ships malfunction.

There have been more than a few times where artificial gravity glitches out of nowhere, like in the Voyager episode The Haunting of Deck Twelve where an electromagnetic lifeform causes gravity to shut off on deck 9, injuring a crewmember. This could've been way worse though. Imagine taking a pleasant stroll through the ship's corridors after a long shift when suddenly the gravity becomes 10 times more powerful. Your entire body would be crushed slowly under the pressure! What a way to go!

This technology is something that is obviously important, as living long-term in a zero-gravity environment can have disastrous consequences, leading to bone damage and other issues, but still, the risk of malfunctions is absolutely unnerving, however rare they may be.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.