10 Most Iconic Friends Moments Of All Time

5. The Wrong Name

Friends Season 10

When Ross finally moved on from Rachel, he found a new love in the form of Emily. They started going out, but in typical Ross and Rachel fashion, as soon as he became unavailable, Rachel found herself more madly in love with him than ever before.

As Ross, Monica, Chandler, and Joey flew out to London for Ross' second wedding, Rachel stayed behind with the very pregnant Phoebe, because it would have been too weird for her. However, at the last minute she decided to fly out with the intention of stopping the wedding and telling Ross how she felt.

This was at the height of the will they, won't they of Ross and Rachel's relationship, and everyone wanted them to get together. However, on the advice of Hugh Laurie's wonderful character on her flight over, and seeing how happy he was, Rachel seemingly decided not to ruin the wedding.

Instead, Ross managed to ruin it himself. Just the sight of Rachel was enough for his conscience to show how he truly felt about her in one of the most awkward moments in TV history, and one hell of a cliff-hanger. Seriously, who says the wrong name at their own wedding?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.