10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Trek: The Next Generation

Including: Beverly Crusher F***s A Ghost.

Beverly Cursher Ghost Sex Star Trek The Next Generation Sub Rosa

Star Trek is sci-fi's greatest ever light entertainment show. However, in some parts of the world, TV networks seem to think that it's a space-faring soap opera... for kids. Speaking as a 33-year-old man who is currently rewatching his way through The Dominion War episodes of Deep Space Nine, that's pretty hard to take.

Early-evening broadcast slots, repeats after the cartoons on Saturday mornings, the show's TV-PG rating; all of this lends to the idea that the bigwigs at the network think that the voyages of Kirk, Picard et all are best enjoyed by families. No challenging subject matter, no abrasive language, and categorically never any lurid scenes of the flesh.

But as we all know, the galaxy doesn't exactly work like that. War and love penetrate the lives of our characters as easy as they penetrate the ship's shields, and that often means we find ourselves in Adult Situations. Much to the apparent discomfort of pearl-clutching viewers or bleeding-heart network execs.

So with this warped idea of the standards of morality Star Trek is supposed to uphold, let's look at all times The Next Generation managed to upset its more sensitive viewers.

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