10 Most Ingenious Kills In Horror TV Shows

8. Flash Mob Murder - Grimm

Black Mirror Shut Up And Dance Alex Lawther

What better way to hide a murder than with a spontaneous flash mob? Episode three of Grimm’s first season is aptly titled ‘Beeware’, referring to the murder that starts is all off where a young woman dies of anaphalatic shock after being stung by a bee.

Allergic reactions are super common and they happen every day, but most of them are accidental. When it occurs in a streetcar full of people dancing along to a boombox, it seems a little unlikely that what happened was an accident and not a purposeful murder hidden under a high-energy distraction.

Combining a swarm of bees with a dance crew seems like an objectively bad idea, so pulling it off is quite an impressive feat. Obviously with a show like Grimm things will always be a bit more complicated than just ‘some normal bumble bees’ being the culprits here, but the fact remains that covering any murder with a flash mob is smart and also very funny.


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