10 Most Intense Star Trek Scenes

1. The Xindi Assault - Azati Prime

Star Trek Enterprise Azati Prime Battle
CBS Media Ventures

The closing scenes of Azati Prime are truly nail-biting. Archer, taken prisoner by the Xindi, seems close to negotiating a truce - at least with Degra and Depac (as per Tucker Smallwood's backstory for the character). It looks as though this may all be for nought when Dolim arrives.

Enterprise has been set upon by Xindi Reptilians and Insectoids. The damage is catastrophic, with some of the tensest scenes in the franchise's history all playing back to back. The true chaos on board Enterprise is expertly shot and directed. Consoles are exploding, lights are showering sparks down, but engineering is the true battleground.

Comms are down, fires erupt from every direction - engulfing one poor crewman - while concussive blasts knock everyone on their arses. The audience goes from 'Surely they're not going to destroy the ship?' to 'There's no way it can survive that!' in mere moments, such is the destruction.

It looked like curtains for Enterprise. That body count continued to grow.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick