10 Most Ludicrous Things To Ever Happen On 24

1. Jack Gets Clean From Heroin In Half A Day - Season 3

24 TV Show

We all know Jack Bauer is a badass; the man is so tough I'm surprised he never caught a bullet and re-directed it back at a baddie through sheer will. But hey, if Day Ten ever does happen, maybe we'll get that wish?

Day Three starts with Jack already in something of a tight situation, when it is soon revealed he is masking a Heroin addiction brought on by an undercover operation he did between seasons two and three. Bauer's addiction is aggressive, and the cramps and hot flushes aren't easy to hide; but when the situation involving the Cordilla virus escalates, Jack has more pressing matters to attend to and somehow overpowers his addiction in a matter of hours.

Jack's addiction is exposed during the course of the season, but it's brushed aside or seen more as something to be frowned upon - like Jack was telling everyone at CTU he was cutting back on sweets and they later found a half-eaten bag of jelly tots in his desk.

Jack overcoming addiction in a day is one thing, but the man doesn't even acknowledge the worries of his coworkers. When Ryan Chappelle insists Jack be put under medical observation, Jack sees CTU's legitimate concerns as bureaucratic nonsense. Even more laughable is Jack's abhorrent behaviour as he questions the capabilities of other CTU agents later on in the season.

Think Tony Almeida's compromised because Michelle Dessler might be infected with the virus, do you Jack? Maybe you should keep your head down, mate.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!