10 Most Ludicrous Things To Ever Happen On 24

2. The Bauer Family Are Terrorists - Season 6

24 TV Show

Before Day Six, how many of us thought Jack Bauer wasn't born but made; in a lab, where muscle, sombre gruffness and pure gunpowder were combined together to create a vessel of pure adrenaline-fuelled patriotism. Just me? Okay then...

Six seasons in, and eventually there would be a semi-origin story for Jack. Introducing his brother and his father was an interesting move to make by the writers; but the execution and the knots in which they were tied is when the series lost its audience.

Let's start with little brother Graem; previously seen in Day Five as part of a Bluetooth headset wearing network of conspirators whose machinations influenced events past, present and future in 24. At the time in Season 5, Graem was an elusive unknown figure - so imagine fans' surprise when Jack goes to visit his brother, and this son of a gun answers the door.

And then there's daddy! Phillip Bauer (played by James Cromwell) first appears as the disappointed patriarch of the Bauer household; seeing his eldest son as a violent thug, and his youngest as a traitor. It's quickly revealed Phillip is the man behind the curtain, and integral in the conspiracy against the Government.

Making Phillip Bauer the ultimate baddie in Day Six is insane; all the more when it is revealed he has been in bed with the very Chinese agents who previously abducted and tortured Jack for two years.

So the cause of Jack's woes wasn't his patriotic hubris, but his evil daddy and brother? Fair enough.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!