10 Most Memorable Friends Cameos

4. Brad Pitt

€œLook at her standing there with those yams. My two greatest enemies, Ross: Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates."

Played:Will, an old school friend of Monica€™s who was abused by Rachel Will seemed like something of a contrivance; we€™re supposed to believe that Rachel belittled him during their school years together because he was morbidly obese, yet he was best friends with Ross and was good friends with Monica, who was also a chubby youngster and best friends with Rachel. It doesn€™t add up logically, but the day a sitcom starts to employ logic is the day we€™re all doomed. The context was obvious. At this point in time, Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were happily married and Angelina Jolie hadn€™t entered the frame yet. Brad played Will, an attractive and successful businessman who used to be morbidly obese (Monica explains that she was his €˜thin€™ friend). Pitt is a fine actor and his character here is obnoxious but plenty amusing. His smouldering stare, Phoebe€™s obsession with him, his out-of-character giggles all make him one of the most memorable guest stars in the show€™s run.
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Appreciates the finer things in life such as The Simpsons, yelling at the football, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, things that aren't True Blood, things that aren't Twilight. Doughnuts.