10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Discovery

9. The Telescoping Effect — Prime Philippa Georgiou

Star Trek Discovery Messed Up Deaths
CBS Media Ventures

It was long enough ago that September 2017 doesn't feel like long ago at all. It wasn't the perception of time, however, that was truncated for Prime Philippa Georgiou. In the opening two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, her minutes were, in the realest sense, already numbered, though not even her telescope could have seen that blade coming. 

The nerve pinch felt around the galaxy was hardly Michael Burnham who started the war, even if she wanted to fire first. True to form the Klingons caused a lot of messed-up deaths that day at the binary stars, and plenty more after. Within the thousands, one was equally too many.

Towards the end of Battle at the Binary Stars, and still affording some trust to her ex-number one, Georgiou beamed over with Burnham to the disabled Sarcophagus to try to capture T'Kuvma and stop the posthumously so-called 'messiah' in his dogmatic tracks. During the combat on the bridge that followed, T'Kuvma stabbed Georgiou through the heart with his mek'leth before Burnham could find the phaser to shoot him.

Burnham was then ripped back to the Shenzhou, no time to recover her captain's body. Horror of horrors and final indignities, those of House T'Kuvma who were stranded on the Sarcophagus "feasted on [Georgiou's] flesh," as L'Rell phrased it to Philippa's other-universe-ly reflection in Will You Take My Hand?

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.