10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Discovery

8. Ripperology — Ellen Landry

Star Trek Discovery Messed Up Deaths
CBS Media Ventures

If you go looking for trouble, the giant 'tardigrade' will surely come looking for you. And, if you've already named it 'Ripper,' a little more caution might have been wise. Commander Ellen Landry was 11 years too early for Captain Kirk's sage advice — "There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal" — and a century or so shy of Neelix's "it's nice to be nice". 'Mean for the sake of it,' or 'because… Klingons,' seemed to be Landry's only MO.

If you are intent on "lop[ping] off" the claw of a caged animal to get one up in the war, we're not going to shed any tears upon your demise either. The tardigrade was no merciless murderer. It was just defending itself against unprovoked aggression (and experimentation) by Starfleet officers!

With all the cavalier assurance of a 'Red Shirt', assuming sedation had had the desired effect, Landry lowered the forcefield that contained the tardigrade. Oh, it jumped out, levied nine levels of hell on Lorca's man cave, and then ripped you to shreds, did it? Now there's a surprise! 

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.