10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Discovery

7. Myceli'Y'all Later… Or Not — Mirror Lorca

Star Trek Discovery Messed Up Deaths
CBS Media Ventures

Sooner or later, Mirror Gabriel Lorca had to get his comeuppance in some form. He had hoodwinked all of Starfleet and quite literally twisted the Discovery to suit his purpose. Pretender on one throne, craver of another, Mirror Lorca won't be missed by many, if any, in either universe. Befitting someone from the corrupt cosmos, his death was also as messed-up as it was spectacular.

After a protracted, but quite epic, fight aboard the ISS Charon, Michael Burnham got the upper hand on her imposter (former-)captain, but then lowered it, preferring the Starfleet option instead. (Defeated) Emperor Georgiou, not one for mercy, used the moment of inattention to stab Lorca through the chest with her broadsword, proceeding to kick him down and out towards the Charon's super-mycelial reactor core.

In space no one can hear you scream, but in or near a giant ball of red-hot mushroom matter, the universe would probably allow you the noise. Lorca was still conscious as he careened towards the core, letting out the last sound he'd ever make — of agony worthy of the agoniser.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.