10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Voyager

8. Bones For Dinosaurs — Ensign Hogan

durst Star Trek voyager faces
CBS Media Ventures

We've been digging them up for long enough now, even longer by the 24th century, so I suppose it was only fair the dinosaurs got to have a go at unearthing us. When Voth scientists, and relatives of the hadrosaur, Professor Gegen and assistant Veer found Ensign Hogan on Hanon IV, he was but a "pile of bones" and a bit of uniform for them to study for a 'Distant Origin'.

Gegen and Veer didn't even complete the set of their morbid Voyager collectible, leaving Hogan's skeleton altogether a little lopsided. Presumably, either all or just the rest had been through the digestive tract of the truly horrifying 'Hanonian land eel' (named as such in the Star Trek Encyclopaedia) which had attacked and killed Hogan in Basics, Part II. Good job it wasn't a Moopsy, or Gegen and Veer would have had nothing to work with!

"Waste nothing. That's one of the first rules of survival." Yes, Neelix, but the absolute very first rule of survival is, well, survival, so perhaps you shouldn't have told Hogan to linger around the entrance of an unexplored alien cave to pick up every last one of someone else's bones. Resources are of no use to the dead! Screams of terror were the last we heard from Hogan. Later, another crewmember was gobbled up by the eel, this time so completely that they couldn't even go the way of the dinosaurs.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.