10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Voyager

7. Pressures Of Peer Review — Crewmember, Name Unknown

durst Star Trek voyager faces
CBS Media Ventures

"Publish or perish," they say in academia, where the rigours of having to write regular research papers can be quite overwhelming. In this case, those who had sneaked aboard Voyager in Scientific Method to observe and conduct all sorts of experiments on the crew proved that, if you don't care about the Ethics Committee, 'publish' and 'perish' are not necessarily mutually exclusive terms.

Death might have been preferable to all the genetic tag-induced maladies and invisible prodding and poking. Captain Janeway certainly didn't get a wink of sleep in between the needles in her skull and those vigorous massages. Chakotay and Neelix did get to have their 'Anything you can't do, I can't do sicker' moment of one-upmanship, however, so it wasn't all bad news. With Voyager "one big petri dish," as The Doctor put it, it's a wonder there weren't multiple fatalities, but there was just one, and it was particularly horrific.

By whatever method of the incognito aliens, one crewmember on the bridge ended up with a blood pressure reading of 360/125 — so abnormally high that you could see the vessels in her face almost trying to escape her body. As her arteries burst under the strain, bleeding internally, and in cardiac arrest, her entire circulatory system quickly collapsed, with the inevitable brain death that followed. In that moment, Janeway decides to put an end to the so-called 'science' of those who would claim to be her peers by "running a little experiment of [her] own".

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.