10 Most Meta Moments In Supernatural

5. Supernatural By Carver Edlund - The Monster At The End Of This Book (S4E18)

Supernatural The French Mistake
The CW

No other show has shown as much explicit appreciation for its fanbase as Supernatural. Before season four, there had already been plenty of sly nods that only committed viewers would pick up. Then these in-jokes were brought to a head with the introduction of one Carver Edlund, aka Chuck Shurley, aka Prophet of the Lord, aka... God, and author of the Supernatural book series.

The Winchester brothers find out their entire lives were celebrated as a cult book series, complete with merch and online fan clubs. Even the book titles, scanned over within the episode in which they were introduced, are the same as the episode titles of the first three seasons.

Woe betide the "author" Chuck, who has to deal with his "creations" standing in front of him. He thinks he's responsible for their suffering, poor thing. Of course, it would eventually become clear that this was a big hint for events to come.

Inserting the concept of Supernatural's narrative in literary form into the show itself opened up the floodgates for a full exploration of fan culture. Before Supernatural, fandom had been kept at arms length from original content - especially something as socially taboo as fanfic. SPN turned the tables on that.

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.