10 Most Meta Moments In Supernatural

3. A Single Man Tear - Fan Fiction (S10E5)

Supernatural The French Mistake
The CW

It's incredible the lengths that shows will go in order to incorporate a musical episode. Scrubs did it with a patient who saw everyone express themselves in song, Buffy was compelled to burst into song by a demon, and Community took a leaf out of Glee's book when thanks to a slightly homicidal coach.

Supernatural got real creative with their rendition of the classic trope: just bring back the book fandom and have them put on a show.

Sure, we could maybe see it coming a mile away, but it was still another nice nod to the fans and their commitment. Lead writer Marie incorporates numbers on Mary Winchester burning on the ceiling, Destiel, and, most importantly, Dean Winchester's Single Man Tear.

This incredibly precise reference stems not from the fans per se, but from the production crew. See, Jensen Ackles has the uncanny ability to, on command, produce one "perfect" tear of emotion. So manly, so restrained, and just a little bit old fashioned.

Still, it must be nice for one of your admired acting skills to become the subject of a whole scene in a fictional musical.

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.